The selection_list_service type exposes the following members.


Public methodadd_multiple_pumps_by_id_string
Add more than one pump to a list at a time. Pump's may be from a single catalog, or multiple.
Public methodadd_pump
Public methodadd_pump_64 Obsolete.
Public methodadd_pump_by_id_string
Add pump identified by the string version of the pump_id (guid string) to the specified list. The list id may come from either search(design_point, UInt32, Int32, UnitSystem, optional_criteria) or new_list(design_point, UInt32, UnitSystem). Same as calling add_pump_with_stages and passing a stage value of 1.
Public methodadd_pump_with_stages
Add pump identified by the string version of the pump_id (guid string) to the specified list. The list id may come from either search(design_point, UInt32, Int32, UnitSystem, optional_criteria) or new_list(design_point, UInt32, UnitSystem).
Public methodget_catalog_pumps
Retrieve a list of all available pumps in a given catalog. Used for manual selection.
Public methodget_list
Equivilant to PUMP-FLO selection list. Columns should be addressed by column name. Columns may be added in future versions, but will not be removed. When dealing with thumbnails: getthumbnail.
Public methodmodify_list_description
Modify the description field of the selection list, identified by the list_id field.
Public methodmulti_catalog_search
Search multiple catalogs with given design point and fluid, creates a seleciton list.
Public methodmulti_catalog_search_async
Public methodmulti_catalog_search_with_options
Public methodmulti_catalog_search_with_options_async
Public methodnew_list
Creates an empty selection list, useful for add_pump_by_id_string(UInt32, Int32, String).
Public methodnew_list_fixed_inlet_pressure_and_flow
Creates an empty selection list, useful for add_pump_by_id_string(UInt32, Int32, String). This version is only for AOD pumps. Will use the specified inlet pressure and discharge flow to calculate a different design point for each pump on the list.
Public methodnew_list_fixed_inlet_pressure_and_head
Creates an empty selection list, useful for add_pump_by_id_string(UInt32, Int32, String). This version is only for AOD pumps. Will use the specified inlet pressure and discharge head to calculate a different design point for each pump on the list.
Public methodnew_list_with_options
Creates an empty selection list, useful for add_pump_by_id_string(UInt32, Int32, String).
Public methodsearch
Search catalog with given design point, fluid and various criteria, creates a selection list.
Public methodsearch_fixed_inlet_pressure_and_discharge_flow
Search catalog for AOD pumps that can deliver the required flow using the specified input pressure.
Public methodsearch_fixed_inlet_pressure_and_discharge_head
Search catalog for AOD pumps that can deliver the required head using the specified input pressure.
Public methodsearch_with_plev_restricted
Similar to standard search, takes a load profile instead of a simple design point. The load profile includes the design point, additional operating points, and any associated percent loads. Pump results will include a PLEV value.
Public methodsearch_with_plev_restricted_async
Public methodsearch_with_plev_restricted_v2
Similar to standard search, takes a load profile instead of a simple design point. The load profile includes the design point, additional operating points, and any associated percent loads. Pump results will include a PLEV value.
Public methodsearch_with_plev_restricted_v2_async

See Also